航空公司招聘「韓語組空服員」, 面試前需要補充韓國的點點

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韓劇開始大肆在亞洲發燒後,韓國成為很多亞洲人旅行的TOP 3 口袋名單。不只大韓航空、韓亞航空開始招募外籍組
員,2014 年起,各大駐點亞洲的航空公司,包括中華航空、長榮航空、海南航空……等等,在招募空地勤人員時,常常在招募廣告上註明『通韓語尤佳』,身在亞洲的我們,面對現在正夯的韓國文化不可以等閒視之喔!
撰文者 ‧Kathy
航空職前培訓師 ‧ 前阿聯酋航空空服員 



When I was a child, Japan was the most talked-about travel destination in Asia. Although Japanese culture was regarded as the one representing “Asian Beauty” during that time, things, however, had changed in a few years. With its booming economy, ancient culture, and increasingly prominent presence on the world stage, South Korea is quickly becoming one of the most popular travel destinations on the planet.
在我小時候,談到亞洲之旅,大部分的人都會是日本為必訪之 地。但當年『亞洲之美』的代表在這幾年間已經逐漸被另一個新 興主流文化所取代。隨著經濟快速發展、傳統文化和國際能見度 上升、南韓在這幾年快速取代日本成為外籍人士到亞洲的熱門旅遊國家。


Beside breathtaking nature landscapes and profound cultural background, K-pop (known as Hallyu) became one of the most influential pop culture phenomenon nowadays. As “soft power” is the top priority to develop in Korea, Korean entertainment industry received continuous supports from the government and trained numerous brilliant and stunning-appearance K-stars to take the world by storm. The daily life posts of these celebrities went viral on social media and attract millions and millions of travelers in different generations to visit Korea.
『軟實力』列為目前發展的核心重點,讓韓流熱潮將韓國文化大 量行銷世界。韓國娛樂圈在政府 100% 支持之下,訓練出一批外表拔尖、能歌善舞,深受國際粉絲崇拜的韓流明星。而這些明星 計畫性的在社交媒體中推播的日常生活吸引了成千上萬的旅客前往韓國觀光。


Language difficulties notwithstanding, Korea government did their very best to create a visitor-friendly travel environment. Providing prospective visitors a brief run- down on the country’s must-does, must-sees, and must- eats is not enough. As one of the most exciting, dynamic, and quickly evolving nations on the Pacific Rim, South Korea offers visitors an incredibly diverse range of experiences. A new tourism app- i Tour Seoul offers 5 language-supported various tour advices. The real-time information contains an augmented reality (AR) feature allowing users to see their real-time locations on a map and nearby places of interest.
即便面臨語言的隔閡,韓國政府仍致力創造讓國際旅客可以輕鬆 造訪韓國的旅遊環境。只提供準客戶大量的『必訪、必吃行程』 是不夠的,身為亞洲旅遊新星,韓國提供的是截然不同的旅遊體 驗。可以支援五種語言的i-Tool 首爾導覽App 提供造訪南韓首都的旅客實境介紹,讓使用者可以看到預訂造訪地的真實周邊環境。
Characteristic theme is a real snatched way to travel. Visitors could wear hanbok (traditional Korean outfit) to the performance at traditional theater, join expert-guidance city walk, discover traditional Korean spirits and cuisine recommended by government-approved Global Seoul Mates. Moreover, experiencing the feeling of being a K-pop star by taking K-pop dance class, make-up and styling course, or going to the cooking class to make Korean dishes they saw in Hallyu drama should not be ignored.
主題體驗式旅遊也深受消費者歡迎,在南韓,你可以選擇穿著韓 服前往音樂廳欣賞傳統韓國表演、參加附帶歷史說明的城市健走、拜訪由韓國政府認證的國際城市夥伴推薦的韓國美食餐廳。 如果你是因為嚮往韓流明星生活而造訪韓國的旅客,你也可以參 加韓流舞蹈課和韓流彩妝課體驗『一日明星』的氣氛;更甚者, 參加韓流廚藝課,跟著大廚一起做出你喜歡的韓劇裡出現的韓式 料理。
I went to Seoul 2 months ago for my girlfriend’s baby shower. As a frequent visitor in Seoul, I found the barrier between local residents and foreigners has changed a lot. Korean are more open-minded to international guests nowadays, and more welling to approach someone who doesn’t speak their language.
兩個月前我到首爾參加女性友人的產前派對,即便首爾是我常常 造訪的城市,但我還是可以明顯的感受到以往對外籍人士不甚友 善的環境已經漸漸改變。現在的韓國人比往常更願意主動外國人,提供協助。