Part II 團體面試及個人表現(Group Interview & performance) *Steve 老師提醒大家 , 以下範例為著重流暢度的面談口語自然表達 , 不是正式書寫文章的模式喔 !
面談情境:團體面試(Group Discussion) –現場有2位主考官( Ahmed and Bianca), 主要觀察一組6人的面試者 (Milly, Sharna, June, Ceylon, Katie, Lorie).
Interviewer Ahmed: Hello, team. I would like to ask you to discuss three must-dos in any destination we fly to. You have ten minutes to discuss your opinions, and please feel free to start your discussion when you’re ready. 大家好,請你們在 10 分鐘內,討論到我們公司的任何一個航點必做的 3件事。準備好就可以開始了。
Sharna: Excuse me, Ahmed. Just a quick question before we start. Do we have any budget or any duration? 抱歉,Ahmed。我想先確定一下,我們有任何時間和預算的限制嗎?
Interviewer Ahmed: No. You can do anything you want in the destination you pick. 沒有,你們可以在你們想去的城市做任何事。
Sharna: Oh, that’s great, shok-ran. Alright, guys. It seems like we need to figure out a lot of things in next 10 minutes. Are we all ready? 那太好了,謝謝你 ( 阿拉伯語 )。看來接下來的 10 分鐘我們有很多東西要討論喔,大家都準備好了嗎?
Milly: Yeah, let’s get it started. Shall we figure out where to go first? 那我們快開始吧。是不是先決定去哪裡比較好? Ceylon: Sounds good to me. Maybe each one of us can share one place to go? I would suggest somewhere we are familiar with, for example, Bangkok. 好主意。不然我們每個人都說一個地方好了,我建議找大家都比較熟悉的地方,比方說……曼谷。
June: I like your suggestion, Ceylon. I haven’t been to too many places, and it’s easier for me to picture somewhere that l have heard before. Maybe Japan is a good option. Many Asians like to visit Okinawa. 我喜歡你的點子,Ceylon。像我沒有出國太多次,至少常常聽到的地方我會比較容易加入對話。也許去日本也不錯喔,現在很多亞洲人都喜歡去沖繩。
Katie: Okinawa is definitely a beautiful vacation spot. But Im’ afraid Emirates doesn’t fly to Okinawa. How about Europe or America? I mean, since we don’t have to worry about money and how long we can stay, why don’t we choose a faraway destination? Somewhere we always want to go but need to make some effort to reach? 沖繩絕對是個度假的好地方,不過阿聯酋好像沒有飛到沖繩欸。要不要把歐洲和美國考慮進去?既然我們沒有預算和時間的考量,也許可以去遠一點的地方啊。就是那種要花點精力好好規畫才能成行的夢幻地點。
Sharna: Guys, sorry to interrupt. But we only have less than six minutes to complete our discussion, and we still need to decide where to go and what to do. We may not have enough time for each one of us to give a new city to visit. I admire what Katie said- somewhere we always want to go but need to make some effort to reach. A city with diversified backgrounds could be the best choice to satisfy every need, like New York City. How do you feel about New York, Lorie? 不好意思喔,打個岔。我們剩不到六分鐘,而且我們決定去哪裡之後還要討論要做什麼事。我擔心可能沒辦法讓每個人都可以說一個新的地點。我贊同 Katie 剛剛說我們可以去要花點精力好好規畫才能成行的夢幻地點,所以我建議我們可以去紐約,那裡人文薈萃的文化融爐形象鮮明, 一定很容易找到大家各自有興趣的事做。Lorie,你覺得去紐約怎麼樣?
Lorie: I don’t mind visiting the Big Apple. Though I haven’t been there, I read lots of tour news about the magic I city. I am a music lover. Beside the famous Broadway theatre and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, I also want to check out Make Music New York concert. It’s a consistent event of free outdoor music concert, which has been recognized6) as one of the best things that have happened to New York musical life in the past decade. Is anyone here addict with music as well? It’ll be fun if we go to the outdoor concert together. 紐約很好啊。雖然我從來沒去過紐約,但我讀過不少關於紐約觀光的文章。我是樂癡,除了一定要去的百老匯劇院區和林肯中心朝聖之外,我 還想參加 Make Music New York 戶外音樂會,那是紐約區著名音樂人及團體聯合舉辦的系列音樂活動,聽說是近十年來紐約音樂界最重要的 盛事喔。有人跟我一樣喜歡音樂嗎?大家一起去露天音樂會一定很好玩。
Katie: Honestly, I know nothing about music, but I’m willing to have someone to guide us there. But if you like music that much, Lorie, you might enjoy seasonal festival held in this metropolitan3) city. A friend of mine shared a YouTube video of “Under the Stars” at Time Warner Center. It must be cool to soak in Christmas atmosphere and feel daily life of being a New Yorker. 坦白說我一點都不懂音樂,不過如果有人帶我去的話我很樂意喔!不過Lorie 你那麼喜歡音樂,一定也會喜歡紐約的節慶活動的。先前我朋友跟我分享一個時代華納中心 Under the Stars 聖誕音樂燈光秀的影片,實際跟著紐約客體驗過節的氣氛一定很酷。
Ceylon: New York seems like a great choice for us. And I‘m so surprised that none of us mentioned the visit to the Statue of Liberty yet. 紐約感覺上還蠻適合我們去的喔!不過我很意外居然沒有人提到要去參觀自由女神像欸。
June: For sure we could go there if you want to. It’s a remarkable1) symbol of the United States, isn’t it? 如果你想去當然也很好啊,那是美國著名的景點之一,對嗎? Ceylon: Yes, it is. But I’m afraid it might be too ordinary. 對啊,不過會不會有點無聊啊? Milly: Hummm…… how about the food? I heard New York is the heaven of gastronomes7) . The city becomes home to5) more than 36% of the residents who are born outside the country after the metropolitan3) area constitutes the premier gateway4) for legal immigration to the United States in 1920s. I was amazed at the array of international cuisines influenced by the city’s immigrant history when I saw the TV program introduce the annual food festival in the city. I really want to go to NYC Food Truck Festival and Broadway Bites once, and the hot dog they filmed looks so mouthwatering. 我們也要吃東西嘛~我聽說紐約是美食家的天堂喔。1920 年代之後的移民政策讓大紐約都會區擁有近四成的合法境外移民。因為移民文化而異常豐富國際化的紐約美食和各式各樣的美食嘉年華超吸睛的。我超想去一年一度的 NYC Food Truck 美食節和 Broadway Bites,電視上拍到的熱狗感覺很好吃欸!
Ceylon: NYC Food Truck Festival sounds so much more exciting than the Statue of Liberty, I would like to…… To be continued……