(中英文教學)面談時談及過去工作中的負面經驗-一個講黃色笑話的同事, 他怎麼處裡呢?

【考空姐之前需要知道的事】EllenCC 我的艾倫西希 分享給你

面談時談及過去工作中的負面經驗-一個講黃色笑話的同事, 他怎麼處裡呢?

撰文者 ‧ Cynthia-航空職前培訓師 ‧ 前卡達航空空服員.前長榮航空助理座艙長

面談情境:Final Interview- 1 candidates with 2 interviewers.
Interviewer A: You said you always look on the bright side. In this case, how did you deal with a difficult boss?
Fiona: Oh, I think my boss is okay……
Interviewer A: Oh, come on, it can’t be… Be honest!
Fiona: hummm……I would probably say my boss always look after me instead of being difficult. My father works in Manufacturing Industry and he always mentions “quality products require detail attention.” I took his word as my motto for work, so I see the advice from my boss as a potential develop opportunity.
Interviewer B: Can you be more particular?
你可以更精確一點的說明嗎 ?
Fiona:Hummmm… I remember once we held a wedding of celebrity, I must say I was out of control and full of attitude when I looked back. I didn’t appreciate my colleagues’ work and kept trying to force them to take my opinion as the only thought, so I adjusted everything I felt it’s not good enough without discussing with others in the team. One day, my manager Loise told me she thinks I could take the job and it better to let others take over. I felt hurt and thought that was so unfair because I was handling this case in the easier and faster way. But Louis told me “No matter how hard you think you did, you should stop right on the spot. Domineer over the others without respect is absolutely not appropriate nor professional.” I was really upset and it took me a long time to think about my behavior, and that’s the moment I understood why I felt not supported. I went to apologize to my team members one by one, and most importantly, I learned to listen to the others more since then.
我記得有一次我們團隊負責一個藝人的婚禮企畫,現在想起來當時我的態度真的不大好。在工作的過程中,我不但沒有試圖跟同事合作,還堅持大家都要聽我的指令做事,因為只有我的想法才夠完整。有一天我的經理 Louise 告訴我她覺得我不適合帶領團隊,要讓別人來接手這個企畫。當時我覺得很受傷也很不平,因為我明明就很努力地用最快的方式來做事了。但 Louise 說『不管你覺得自己做得多好,現在都給我停下來。一言堂不是尊重同事的方式,也是不專業的態度。』我聽了很難過,花了很長的時間來審視自己的行為,那也是我第一次理解到為什麼同事總是不大願意支持我。之後我一一向團隊的成員道歉,也學會了工作中最重要的一件事 – 懂得傾聽。
Interviewer A: Your manager doesn’t seem difficult at all; do you have another example?
Fiona:Hummmm… Maybe not with my manager but my colleague. I had one major conflict with my male colleague Jonny once. It was 2 years ago, I was fresh in the company, Jonny was very kind of me in the beginning. One day, he told me a dirty joke, I felt not comfortable but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to overreact, so I just ignored it. Few days after, I was talking to another girl at the corner, he passed by and slap my butt for no good reason. I was so mad at him and nearly yelling to him. But Jonny thought I was overacted, he said “hey, no big deal!” The other girl who witnessed this told me I should bring it out to my manager, and I did. We should not keep quiet and run away from Sexual Harassment. If I have a chance to go back to beginning, I would make a clear statement on the spot as opposed when he first told me the dirty joke.
呃…跟主管好像就沒有了,但我曾經跟同事 Jonny 大吵一架。2 年前我剛進公司的時候,Jonny 對我很好,有一天他突然跟我說了個黃色笑話,當下我覺得不大舒服,可是我不想讓人覺得我大驚小怪,所以沒說什麼。結果我幾天,我在跟其他同事聊天的時候,他走過旁邊就拍了我的屁股一下。我好生氣,差點要吼他。但他覺得我根本是大驚小怪。當時跟我一起的同事建議我應該要讓主管知道這件事,而我也真的提報了。性騷擾不應該被姑息,如果再重來一遍,我想我會在他跟我講黃色笑話的時候就清楚的拒絕他的行為。

