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航空公司要求空服組員不能有刺青及疤痕, 為什麼?
撰文者 ‧Kathy(航空職前培訓師 ‧ 前阿聯酋航空空服員 )
On the basis of the international media report on April 2017, the Malaysian low cost carrier, Malindo Air, has been exposed they required female candidates to strip down to their underwear to see if these candidates have
any visible tattoos or marks on them during interviews.
2017 年四月, 國際媒體批露馬來西亞廉價行空馬印航空(Malindo Air)在舉行空服員面試時,要求應試者脫掉內衣以要檢查她們身上是否擁有刺青或疤痕。