An EVA crew member shared an inconceivable1 story about her flight from Manila to Taipei on her Facebook, on which she accused her senior crew member who was acting unprofessionally by working while sozzled. According the crew who revealed this scandal2, this senior crew member appeared intoxicated3 at Manila before departure and acted abnormally during the flight. The captain decided to report this weird case and the whole team was sent for alcohol check after landing in Taipei.
日前一名長榮空服在自己的臉書上分享了一則令人匪夷所思的消息 – 她的資深同僚從馬尼拉到台北航班上酒醉值勤,表現極不專業。該名爆料空服指出,這名資深組員在馬尼拉準備起飛前已經有酒醉的跡象,整個航班上表現異常。機長最後向公司通報異常,全機的組員在台北下機後全數接受酒測。
Not too long after this incident, Taiwanese media, Apple Daily, unclosed4 this breaking news. EVA AIR claimed that the intoxicated crew member was caught having more than the legal limit of alcohol as she served passengers onboard and her career has been terminated.
Sadly, this is not the unique offense against crew discipline. In 2012, a 24-year-old British Emirates crew member was arrested when the airplane touched down in Birmingham after her fellow cabin crew members raised the alarm over her odd behavior. The alcohol test found she had 164mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. The legal limit for cabin crew is 20mg under British aviation law but for Emirates, it’s ZERO tolerance. Her boozy antics ended up her being sacked5 and she was fined £110 for such a drinking case on a flight.
讓人難過的是,這起違紀事件並非罕見的單一個案。2012 年,24 歲英國籍的阿聯酋空服員被同班機的同事通報行為異常後,在班機降落在伯明罕降落時遭到逮捕。該名空服員的酒測結果顯示每 100 毫升的血液裡含有 164 毫克的酒精。英國當地法律規範空服員每 100 毫升血液中的酒精含量必須小於 20 毫克,阿聯酋航空內部規範對酒精零容忍。這名空服員酒醉鬧事讓她面臨被公司開除,同時必須支付 110 英鎊的罰款。
Just end of last year, a JAL pilot was reported intoxicated by a bus driver at London Heathrow. The pilot was removed from the flight and immediately suspended his flying operation. Under the fact that the pilot was ten times over the legal limit, he was jailed for ten months. Moreover, the President of Japan Airlines took a temporary 20% pay cut as a consequence. Unfortunately, another JAL cabin crew member who had worked for JAL for 23 years was caught involved in7 alcohol-related incident only a few months later. Again, both JAL’s President and Head of Cabin Crew took pay cuts (20% and 10%) because of this incident for one month.
就在去年底,一名日本航空機師在倫敦被接駁車駕駛通報酒醉值勤。該名機師隨即被從組員名單中剔除並立刻受到停飛處置。由於該名機師的酒測值超過規定標準的10 倍,他必須面臨 10 個月的牢獄之災。日本航空的總裁為此暫時減薪 20% 以示負責。遺憾的是,僅僅數月後,一名在日本航空服務超過 23 年的空服員也涉及在執勤中飲酒。因為這次的事件,日本航空的總裁跟空服處主管同步被減薪一個月 ( 各減20% 與 10%) 以示負責。
These few inflight incidents cover different ages, seniority and positions in the airlines industry. But all of them effected our reputation and promises to passengers greatly. I understand everyone has different issues in life, and those issues need to be solved. Some may be too stressful, so that they might push a person into a crash depression. That’s why we all need a personal stress relieving process and don’t bring a disgraceful meaning to having a load of booze on board.